5 concerns about the future of banking we need to get through our heads
- It’s not [insert web2.0 banking website here] fault. Get over it, banker. Blaming leading edge organisations is like blaming the entrepreneur. “Oh no, please don’t let my customers actually find services from my competitors and then use them!”
- We don’t get to charge people for slow, inefficient and bad service - and we certainly don’t want to charge people for daily hassles. Putting our service behind walls (policy walls, security walls or other kinds) where it can’t be accessed by users is bad. Don’t hide our services from our users.
- People who bank aren’t uneducated yobbo’s unconcerned by facts. They’re our customers and our neighbours and if we play our cards right, our marketers and our community sales force. If we really play it right, customers can be the leaders of a “network marketing program”. There is no “us vs. them” issue.
- We ignore new delivery systems at our own peril. RSS, SMS, iPhone, e-paper, Blackberry, widgets, podcasts, vlogs, Facebook, Twitter — these aren’t the competition, these are our new carriers. We need to learn how to deliver our content across every new technology that comes into view on the horizon.
- Remember: A glass half full is actually ALL full, just half liquid, half gas. There is excellent work being done in the new world of online banking and it’s being done at banks like ours! We don’t need millions of dollars or super computers or years of training to make it happen; all we need is the right frame of mind. Let’s start building our own piece of the new world of banking.
*Based on the “10 obvious things about the future of newspapers you need to get through your head” posted at http://www.ryansholin.com/